Some programs, such as Medicaid or Social Security, are funded in part by special trusts and payments that may appear separately on your pay stub. As these funds
ultimately all go into a single federal general account, and all expenditures are made from there, the graph above depicts your actual tax burden regardless of
these accounting gimmicks. Many online calculators do not include these special trusts, which is why their breakdown looks different than ours. Which is the
'truth' is really a matter of context and perspective.
How Your Annual Costs Change Under Each Presidential Candidates' Proposed Plans:
Multi-bar Chart
How To Read This Chart
This is a bar chart showing how each of the 2016 presidential candidates (Currently Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Donald Trump, Marco Rubio, and Ted Cruz) saves
or costs you extra money via their tax plans and policies. You can view it in grouped mode, where each
candidate has several bars that show the costs or savings for each of their policies, or in stacked mode, where those changes are stacked on top of each other to allow
you to more easily compare candidates to one another.
Because some candidates will reduce taxes, or save money in other ways such as through college or healthcare costs, we cannot simple grow a chart from the left showing
the amount of extra money you will spend. We would have no way to show you areas of saving, or to display a bar at all for a candidate that saves you money.
Instead, we have an axis marked $0.00 along the bottom of the chart. For each candidate, bars that extend to the left of this axis show you how much they will save you,
while bars that extend to the right show how much their policies will increase your outlay.
The total change to your paycheck is the total of the bars to the right minus the total of the bars to the left. As this requires a bit of math to figure out, we've done
this math for you and display the total change next to the candidate's name.
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Numbers do not take into account higher product costs as a result of business taxes, increased or decreased healthcare costs as a result of candidate proposals,
or other complex economic effects.
If you did not enter data for capital gains, healthcare costs, or college costs, the comparison may not be accurate.
College costs, if entered, are amortized over a 50 year expected post-college life expectancy. This means that if you expect to pay $100,000 for college we
calculate that you will spend an average of $2000 per year for the rest of your tax-paying life. This is so we can compare it to taxes that would pay for free
college, which you would need to pay for the rest of your tax-paying life (not as a lump sum like actual college costs).
Some data requires estimation due to the complexity of the tax proposals, eligibility requirements, and limited precision of the data entered. It takes several
hours to enter enough information for a program to complete your tax return for you; we have much less information to work with.